Kids Matter

Our School is working towards becoming a Kids Matter School.

What is Kids Matter?

Kids Matter Primary is a flexible, whole-school approach to improving children’s mental health and wellbeing for primary schools. It can be tailored to schools' local needs.

Through Kids Matter Primary, schools undertake a two-to three-year cyclical process in which they plan and take action to be a positive community; one that is founded on respectful relationships and a sense of belonging and inclusion, and that promotes:

  • Social and emotional learning (including evidence-based social and emotional learning programs)
  • Working authentically with parents, carers and families
  • Support for students who may be experiencing mental health difficulties.

More information can be found at: 

Our school community

Mental health and wellbeing is vital for learning and life. Children who are mentally healthy learn better, benefit from life experiences and have stronger relationships with family members, school staff and peers. Good mental health in childhood also provides a solid foundation for:

  • Managing the transition to adolescence and adulthood
  • Engaging successfully in education
  • Making a meaningful contribution to society.

After families, school is the most significant developmental context for primary school-aged children. Schools play a crucial role in building children's self-esteem and sense of competence. Our school community, led by our Kids Matter Action Team is working closely with families and the local community, to provide a holistic support network for our children's mental health and wellbeing. Please contact the school if you would like to be involved.